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Research Data supporting "Gene-environment interactions in obesity – evidence from a companion dog model."

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Salt, Carina 
Pavey, Jessica 
Wainwright, Jodie 
Dittman, Marie 


These files contain R Scripts and three datasets (.csv files).

The datasets are:

a) A_VetBCS_1.1mDogs.csv - Contains categorical BCS (Underweight/Thin: 1-2/5; Ideal: 3/5; Overweight/Obese: 4-5/5), sex, neuter status, age (years), and breed. Column 'N' indicates the number of dogs that fit the characteristics of the corresponding row. This file is used in 'ObOv_Probability_byBreed.R'.

b) B_DORAdata_17kDogs.csv - Contains DORA results from 17k dogs alongside demographic data. DORA factors are displayed in a 0-100 scale. F_CombinedGreedFactors correspond to Food Motivation Score, Dog_shape corresponds to BCS (1-9). Other titles are self-explanatory. Sex and neuter status are reported as numerical where: 0=Female and 1 = Male; 0=Entire and 1 = Neutered. Age is reported in years. This file is used in '1_DORA_Analysis.R' and '3_Breed_Averaged_testing.R'.

c) C_BreedAv_OvObProb_46PureBreeds.csv - Contains Overweight/Obesity Probability of 46 pure breeds. This csv is the outcome file of '2_ObOv_Probability_byBreed.R' and is used in '3_Breed_Averaged_Testing.R' alongside 'B_DORAdata_17k.csv'.

The R Scripts are the following:

  1. 1_DORA_Analysis: Analysis of responses to the Dog Obesity Risk Assessment (DORA) questionnaire. The user needs to define the working environment first (line 22). The dataset corresponding to this code is 'B_DORAdata_17kDogs.csv'

  2. 2_ObOv_Probability_byBreed.R: Obtention of Breed Average Obesity/Overweight Probability (OP) in dogs. The dataset corresponding to this script is 'A_VetBCS_1.1mDogs.csv'

  3. 3_Breed_Averaged_Testing.R: Obtention of Breed-Averaged Food Motivation Score from DORA questionnaire and assessment against OP. The datasets needed for these scripts are 'B_DORAdata_17kDogs.csv' and 'C_BreedAv_OvObProb_46PureBreeds.csv'.


Software / Usage instructions

.csv files are available independently and the links are available in the 'related resources' section.


Dog, Food Responsiveness and Satiety, Obesity


Wellcome Trust (205187/Z/16/Z)
Morris Animal Foundation (D22CA-406)
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/M011194/1)
CS is an employee of Waltham Petcare Science Institute.