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Bairta Ad'yanova, Bairta Bal'dzhirova, Bortsg, Kalmyk Dumplings and Tea

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Churyumov, Anton 


This video features recipes for biscuits (bortsg), dumplings, and Kalmyk tea. Biscuits (bortsg): This recipe is modern. Ingredients include 400 grams of cream, 4 spoons of sugar, a spoon of salt, and an egg. All the ingredients are mixed with flour. The dough should be kneaded until it stops sticking to hands. Then the dough is left for 30 minutes in the fridge. The dough is made into biscuits and fried in sunflower oil until it turns brownish on both sides. The first plate of biscuits is put on the altar. Bortsg is made in many shapes. For example, in the shape of the sun, birds, a ram’s head, a camel, a stick etc. All these have names. Dumplings: Flour is mixed with 2 eggs, half a teaspoon of salt, sunflower oil, and a glass of water. The dough is mixed and kneaded until it is not sticky. Then the dough is cut and rolled into small circles. Mince is put on the dough circles and the circles are closed by wrapping and pinching the edges. The mince is made from mutton, 4 onions, salt, pepper, and fat from a sheep’s tail. The dumplings are boiled in water. Tea: According to a legend, it was lama Tsongkapa who gave the recipe for Kalmyk tea to the Kalmyk people. One day when the lama fell ill, his teacher gave him this recipe. Ingredients include water, tea, milk, nutmeg, salt, and butter. Lama Tsongkapa drank this tea until he recovered.



Meat dishes, recipes, bortsg, tea, dumplings

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