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Research data supporting 'Digging deeper into pain – an ethological behavior assay correlating well-being in mice with human pain experience.'

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Pattison, Luke A 
Smith, Ewan St John 


Each .csv file contains all the raw data obtained from each of the experimental models studied, the files are accordingly named: 'model_dataset.csv'.

An explanation of how data under each column was collected/analysed follows:

Unique.ID = Metadata (digging video/cage position info). TestDay = Experimental day at which data collected (day 0 = baseline). Mouse.ID = Metadata (unique ID of individual mice). Sex = Biological sex of mice. Digging_Burrows = No. of visible burrows present after a three minute recording of mice. Digging_TimeX = The time (s) mice spend digging as scored by experimenter X. Digging_AverageTime = The average of the time (s) mice spent digging reported by mutliple experimenters. Digging_Latency = The time (s) it take for mice to first begin digging during the three minute test. Group = Experimental group mice belong to (e.g. Saline = control). InjectionKnee = The knee of the mice injected with experimental substance (L = left, R = right, injected knees were determined randomly). KneeWidth_Ipsi = Width of the injected knee joint (mm) as measured with digital callipers. KneeWidth_Contra = Width of the uninkected knee joint (mm) as measured with digital callipers. RotarodTime = Time (s) mice remained on the rotarod apparatus during testing. Assay = Metadata (Used to distinguish between first versus repeated assessments of digging behaviour / pre- versus post- analgesic treatment etc.). Secondary_Day = The day at which Secondary Assay (repeated assessment) occurred for individual mice according to experimental timeline. pcDSS = Metadata (% w/v DSS solution administered to mice). ColonLength = Length of colon (cm) following dissection. HistologyScore = Average histolopathological score of histological sections of colon, average score of three independent experimenters. iaInj = Metadata (substance injected via intra-articular route). ipAnalgesic = Metadata (analgesic injected via intra-peritoneal route, GBP = gabapentin, MEL = meloxicam). PAM_Ipsi = Mechanical threshold of the injected knee joint as assessed by Pressure Application Measurement, reported data are an average of two independent tests). PAM_Contra = Mechanical threshold of the uninjected knee joint as assessed by Pressure Application Measurement, reported data are an average of two independent tests). Digging_TimeRI = Recovery index of average time spent digging following administration of analgesic. PAM_RI = Recovery index of mechanical threshold of injected knee following administration of analgesic. Rotarod_drugchange = % change in rotarod performance following administration of analgesic.

Any questions regarding interpretation of deposited data can be addressed to


Software / Usage instructions

Curated datasets prepared in Microsoft Excel.


arthritis, behaviour, colitis, ethology, inflammation, nociception


MRC (MR/W002426/1)
BBSRC (BB/V509528/1)
Wellcome Trust (225856/Z/22/Z)
MRC (MR/W002426/1) BBSRC (BB/V509528/1) Rosetrees Trust (A2224) Arthritis Research UK (11600/21973) Wellcome Trust (225856/Z/22/Z) From the paper: LAP and ESS acknowledge funding from the MRC (MR/W002426/1). AMC, GC and ESS were funded by Versus Arthritis (RG21973). GC and ESS were funded by the Rosetrees Trust (CM818). SC was supported by a Gates Cambridge Trust scholarship. HH was supported by a BBSRC/GSK iCASE PhD studentship (BB/V509528/1). RHR, MM, LWP and AR were supported by AstraZeneca PhD Studentships (RHR: G104108; MM: G104109; LWP: G113502; AR: G115018). MD and ESS acknowledge funding from the Wellcome Trust (225856/Z/22/Z). JPH and DCB acknowledge funding from Crohn’s and Colitis UK (PC2019/1- Bulmer).