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Research data supporting: "Understanding the genetic complexity of puberty timing across the allele frequency spectrum"

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Kentistou, Katherine  ORCID logo
Kaisinger, lena 
Day, Felix 
Perry, John 
Ong, Ken 


This dataset is made up of GWAS meta-analysis for age at menarche (AAM), in up to 799,845 women. All studies provided GWAS data imputed to at least 1000 Genomes reference panel density, yielding a total of ~12.7 million genetic variants in the final meta-analysis. Variants were meta-analysed using a fixed-effects inverse-variance-weighted model in METAL and filtered to include minor allele frequency (MAF) >= 0.1%.

Summary statistics made available for download are from an analysis excluding 23andMe (ancestry combined up to n=723,014 and European-only up to n=556,124) and following all the filtering steps as outlined above.

Datasets available for download:

  1. Ancestry combined GWAS summary statistics Menarche2024_AncestryCombined_RELEASE_EXC23andMe.txt.gz
  2. European-only GWAS summary statistics Menarche2024_EuropeanOnly_RELEASE_EXC23andMe.txt.gz Both tab-delimited files, with one row per SNP including the same columns as the above.

For further information please check the supplied readme file or the associated publication.


Software / Usage instructions

Study-specific summary statistics were meta-analysed using METAL.


genetics, genome-wide association study, menarche, puberty


MRC (MC_UU_00006/2)