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Archaeological Investigations at Fulbourn Hospital, for Addenbrookes NHS Trust

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Gdaniec, Kasia 


Anticipating the construction of an Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU) at Fulbourn Hospital (TL 498/563) an archaeological investigation was conducted to mitigate the impact of the development on potentially surviving archaeological remains. The grounds of the Hospital had been investigated during the summer of 1993 when substantial evidence of earlier Bronze Age settlement was revealed. Such a discovery raised the importance of the grounds since few settlements are known in southern Cambridgeshire from that period. The likelihood of further archaeological features being present in the area of the new development was a strong possibility, necessitating evaluation. The archaeologically 'quiet' nature of this part of Fulbourn Hospital grounds suggests that the Bronze Age settlement does not extend this far south of the main site area in the rough field to the northwest. The previously found flints may be the result of displacement due to agricultural practices or that they are simply stray finds. Despite the lack of tangible archaeological remains, this investigation has been useful in providing negative evidence of the Bronze Age landscape.



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Cambridge Archaeological Unit, Department of Archaeology, University of Cambridge

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