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Research data supporting "Controllable Multimodal Actuation in Fully Printed Ultrathin Micro-Patterned Electrochemical Actuators"

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Zhang, Ji 
Jing, Qingshen 
Wade, Thomas 
Xu, Zhencheng 
Ives, Liam 


This dataset contains profilometry and nanoindentation data, optical and SEM images, motion tracking and electrical measurement data, codes to analyse the data, and videos. The dataset is split into 3 zipped folders, each including a readme file to further explain the contents.


Software / Usage instructions

The .ipynb files for data analysis can be opened with Jupyter Notebook.


aerosol jet printing, electrochemical actuator, microactuator, microfabrication, patterning, trilayer actuator


Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2504958)
S.K-N. acknowledges support from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee (EP/Y032535/1). J.Z. acknowledges support from EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC (EP/S022953/1) and Cambridge Trust. T.W. acknowledges support from an EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership studentship (EP/T517847/1). L.I. acknowledges support from an EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership studentship (EP/R513180/1). D.Z. acknowledges support from Cambridge Trust and China Scholarship Council. J.J.B. acknowledges UK EPSRC grants EP/L027151/1, EP/N016920/1 and European Research Council (ERC) under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme PICOFORCE (883703).