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Forest scene at Chiloé

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A woodland landscape.


Drawing [vertical orientation]. tick and "D" [top right corner (bottom right of picture)]

The main feature of this picture is a large beech-like tree trunk, sporting occasional scraps of foliage. The tree rises to the top of the picture. In the upper third, a profusion of substantial branches radiates, which to the right appear to have creepers dangling from them. At the foot of the tree lie a couple of broken bamboo-like stems. On both sides of the main tree, the background is full of other trees, many apparently in leaf, but indistinctly depicted. In the centre left of the midground, a similar tree to the main tree is growing a few metres further distant, partly obscured at the left-hand edge of the picture by foreground foliage at all heights from undergrowth up to oak-like leaves in the top left. Towards the left-hand edge, more dangling creepers are visible. At the foot of the second featured tree lies a large fallen branch.


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