*k T-S AS 145.165 *t Legal document; document *s 17.1 x 23.6; numerous lines (recto); 17 lines + marginalia (verso) *m Paper; 1 leaf; torn, holes, rubbed, stained *l Judaeo-Arabic; Hebrew; Aramaic *c Recto: drafts of documents, written in a cramped style. Verso: lengthy legal document, written in Fusṭāṭ under the authority of Sar Shalom ha-Levi Gaʾon. Mentions the names Sitt al-Kafr, Sitt al-Ḥusn b. Abū l-Makārim al-Kohen the trader, known as Ibn Qasāsa, the widow of Ṣāʿid b. Abū Manṣūr, Sitt al-Maʿālī and Abū ʿAlī. *e Consists of the four big fragments T-S AS 145.165, T-S AS 145.167, T-S AS 145.168 and T-S AS 145.169; T-S AS 145.165 joins with T-S AS 145.168; the beginning of the document is on T-S AS 145.167 and is continued on T-S AS 145.169; mirrored script.